Asterix and the Big Fight (film)

Asterix and the Big Fight Astrix et le coup du menhir is a 1989 French animated movie directed by Philippe Grimond and produced by Yannick Piel. It is based on the Asterix comic book series. The movie has a different plot from the book of the same name. It combines plot elements from Asterix and the Big Fight and Asterix and the Soothsayer. Although there is plenty of fighting as usual for an Asterix story the actual fight that the story is named for is not part of the movies plot. The novelization was titled Operation Getafix the German translation of the film was Operation Hinkelstein, a hinkelstein being a menhir.

Knowing they wont be able to protect themselves without the magic potion, Asterix and Vitalstatistix desperately attempt to have Getafix brew some, resulting in explosions and the occasional flying cauldron, and thus alert the Romans that something is up. They send a camouflaged, and very reluctant, spy to investigate, who is quickly captured and used as a guinea pig for Getafix less explosive concoctions. However, one of these makes him lighter than air causing him to float away, where he reports their problem. The Romans soon send a patrol to investigate, and come back with the Soothsayer instead, whom the villagers think had been driven off by a sceptical Asterix. The centurion is quickly convinced that Prolix is genuine much to his dismay since Gaulish soothsayers are to be arrested and decides to use him to chase away the villagers. Soon Prolix appears at the gates and foretells doom if the village is not abandoned apart from Asterix, Obelix and a still crazed and potion brewing Getafix, the entire village leave for a nearby island.Meanwhile Getafix brews a truly noxious potion whose vapours engulf the village, driving off the Romans who had quickly moved in, but also convincing them that the soothsayer had real abilities since the smell matched his prediction of pestilence. However when Getafix accidentally tastes some he is cured despite Obelix attempt to treat his condition with a second tap from a menhir. Getafix soon brews the magic potion and convinces the villagers to test the soothsayers reliability by having them attack the Roman camp. The soothsayer is quickly menhired when hes found to be a fraud, while the centurion is demoted to the ranks for his failure, as the village goes back to normal. ........

Source: Wikipedia